Hi! I am Mi Feng (Mia), a Sr. Software Engineer at Adobe Digital Experience. Previously I was working on data visualization @Twitter. I am interested in building interactive visualization tools to help people explore complex data. I got my PhD in Computer Science from WPI, where I studied interaction techniques for data visualizations on the web, advised by Prof. Lane Harrison. My master study included understanding and supporting people's navigation in virtual reality systems, advised by Prof. Robert Lindeman. ​ During my graduate study I interned at PNNL and Bosch working on visual analytics and augmented reality. I got my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering (Media Art and Science) at Tongji University. During leisure time, I'm into (more) coding and music .

News & Updates

2024 AprMade my first open source contribution to Adobe's data visualization library @adobe/react-spectrum-charts
2023 FebJoined Adobe Digital Experience (DX), San Jose, CA, building platforms & apps for Adobe Experience Cloud
2022 OctOne co-authored paper "The risks of ranking" (Davis et al.) got accepted by the IEEE TVCG journal
2022 AprCreated an interactive visualization showing how the cooccurrences of the Twitter hashtags changed over time, which was exhibited at MozFest 2022
2021 DecCo-authored the Twitter Engineering blogpost Advancing Jupyter Notebooks at Twitter - Part 1 (Enhancing Twitter data visualization)
2020 AugOne co-authored paper "Chartseer" (Zhao et al.) got accepted by the IEEE TVCG journal
2019 OctTwo co-authored papers "Palettailor" (Lu et al.) and "No mark is an island" (McColeman et al.) got accepted by IEEE VIS 2019
2019 JulJoined the Visualization, Insights and Science (VIS) team @Twitter, San Francisco, CA
2019 AprDefended my PhD dissertation: Quantifying, Modeling and Managing How People Interact with Visualizations on the Web
2018 OctPresented our paper "Patterns and Pace: Quantifying Diverse Exploration Behavior with Visualizations on the Web" at IEEE VIS 2018, Berlin, Germany

Selected Publications

Patterns and Pace: Quantifying Diverse Exploration Behavior with Visualizations on the Web Paper OSF Preview Presentation
Mi Feng, Evan M. Peck, Lane Harrison
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis), 2018
The Effects of Adding Search Functionality to Interactive Visualizations on the Web Paper Website Preview
Mi Feng, Cheng Deng, Evan M. Peck, Lane Harrison
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018
HindSight: Encouraging Exploration through Direct Encoding of Personal Interaction History Paper Website Presentation
Mi Feng, Cheng Deng, Evan M. Peck, Lane Harrison
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. InfoVis), 2016
An Initial Exploration of a Multi-Sensory Design Space: Tactile Support for Walking in Immersive Virtual Environments Paper Intro-video
Mi Feng, Arindam Dey, Robert W. Lindeman
IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2016
For the full list please check the Google Scholar page